Wrong Habits While Brushing

HELLO HEALTHY PEOPLE! Maintain oral hygiene is very important for health, by brushing your teeth at least twice a day. It aims to clean teeth with toothpaste will remove dirt and remnants of food stuck in the teeth. Nonetheless, there are mostly people who have a habit of brushing teeth should be omitted so as not to cause disease and damage. And habits that should be eliminated is as follows:

clean teeth, oral hygiene, cleaning teeth


The first mistake is often done by most people is a mistake in choosing the type of toothbrush. In general, a toothbrush has 3 types level of softness that is extra-soft, soft and medium-soft. However, there are many people who do not pay attention to it. In fact, experts recommend that choose a toothbrush that has a degree of softness extra soft or soft.


When using toothpaste, most people would use a definite tooth brush along the teeth. Actually, the ideal number to use toothpaste only size of a pea or just around the tip of the brush. This error is usually more influenced by advertising toothpaste say that products can make teeth become more teeth despite the results obtained will not be maximized as in advertisements.


Another habit that is often done by most people brushes his teeth to the side when these habits can cause damage to tooth enamel.


Actually, the bacteria that cause bad breath are not only lodged in the teeth, but also on the tongue. But many people who often forget to clean the tongue. You should clean the tongue with a tongue cleaner gently in the opposite direction after brushing teeth.


Using the toothbrush should be used at the latest within three months from the first use. If the passing of 3 months, should replace it with a new toothbrush should not wait until there can be used again.

Eliminate the habit when brushing the teeth is very useful for maintaining oral health and teeth, overcoming bad breath, prevent tooth decay, prevents bad breath and can prevent other problems.

(Read also the article: Heart Health Information)

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