Naturally Colour Blind Treatment

HELLO HEALTHY PEOPLE! Color blindness is a hereditary disease caused by genes inherited from a family member. In general, this condition is not completely unable to recognize any color but some particular cases there are only difficult to distinguish some colors only. Disorders of the eye are certainly very disturbing, especially for those who want to enter certain institutions which apply as a color blind test requirements. If you already feel have symptoms of color blindness, you should use a natural way to treat color blindness.

treatment of color blindness,colour blind treatmentCARROT

Carrot is a vegetable that is rich in vitamin A which can be processed into foods and healthy juices. The content of vitamin A in it is useful to maintain eye health, improve eyesight and can cope with disorders of the eye such as color blindness.


Papaya is a fruit that is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. When consumed regularly can treat color blindness.


Calcium content in it has the ability to maintain bone health and can be used to treat color blindness disease.


If consumed regularly, goat milk may help maintain eye health and can reduce impaired vision in the eye.


Besides being rich in vitamin, star fruit also has many mineral deposits that are useful for the treatment of partial color blindness.

Try to consume these foods on a regular basis to obtain maximum results and to be processed into various foods or drinks that are not boring.

(Read also the article: Treating Insomnia Naturally)

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