HELLO HEALTHY PEOPLE! Do you know? That the greatest role in muscle building hormone is testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that is important for health. Besides responsible for sexual function, testosterone is also important to keep muscles and bones to stay strong, and keep the fat to keep them evenly distributed on each part of the body.
In men, testosterone production 20 times more than women. However, women also require testosterone for the sake of maximum health. Although the amount is not as much as needed by men, women still have to keep the production of testosterone in the body remains normal. For that, you can use natural foods testosterone enhancer. Just what is this? Here is the information for you.
Coconut can not only help in your diet program but also aims to maintain testosterone production in order to be at a healthy level. That is because the oil is a source of saturated fat plays a role in the production of testosterone.
In a study published in "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism," researchers found that healthy men that switching from a diet high in fat (13 percent saturated fat) to a low-fat diet (5 percent saturated fat). This affects a significant decrease in their testosterone levels. As recommendations for foods that contain a lot of saturated fats are butter, milk, mutton, red palm oil, and brown.
Maybe you never thought that wheat bran can boost your testosterone production levels. Yes, it's true. Because, wheat bran contains mineral resources, namely magnesium. A study conducted by scientists Turkey found that there is a link between high magnesium which can affect testosterone production in the body. Of note, the study found that magnesium will encourage an increase in testosterone if offset by exercises with enough intensity.
Magnesium itself is required to drive hundreds of biochemistry in the body, and the production of testosterone is one of them. There is no harm if you use wheat bran to your diet. For other foods that contain magnesium, which is such as cocoa powder, almonds, seeds, oat bran, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, and nuts.
Yes, seafood is indeed proven to meet the body's nutritional. One of them is shrimp. This type of seafood can boost vitamin D which has a strong role in increasing testosterone. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston found that those with vitamin D levels also had higher levels of testosterone in his body.
These findings may help explain why the course of study in "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" reported that men and women with higher blood levels of vitamin D have tended to have muscle strength and lower upper body is very strong. Thus, to build strength and muscle were fantastic, then you certainly need to take vitamin D.
If you are making a compote with pumpkin mixture, then do not throw pumpkin seed. You know, it turns out pumpkin seeds can also increase your testosterone. How can? Yes, because the pumpkin seeds are a source of food that contains zinc, which is a mineral that plays a role in thousands of enzyme reactions which have different functions within each body. This was strengthened by the nutritional research that found that people with zinc intake will increase the amount of testosterone production in the body.
To that end, so that the production of testosterone in your body increases, it does not hurt to add the pumpkin seeds into your diet. To better improve it, you can also add yogurt, oatmeal, and salads. If you want to reference a menu of foods containing zinc, then you can also choose oysters, crab, chicken, steak, wheat, sesame, and cashews.
Did you know that cheese is one of the best of the best sources of protein, making it very useful for people who have a goal to increase muscle mass and size? A recent study by the University of Connecticut found that subjects were fitted with whey protein experienced cortisol hormone production levels (a hormone that affects stress) lower during the recovery after weight training.
Whey is a milk protein that is rich in branched chain amino acids and appears to help lower cortisol hormone during a period of intensive training. It is important to remember that cortisol can inhibit the production of sex hormones, thus also affecting the production of the hormone testosterone. To get more whey, you can consume whey protein powder, milk, and yogurt.
Bright red fruit that signifies that these fruits contain lots of vitamin C. This is good news for your fitness. Because, strawberry is a fruit that is high in strong antioxidants can raise your testosterone production, and can block the excess production of hormones cortisol.
Cortisol itself is a catabolic hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stressful situations, including when you are doing intense exercise. Unfortunately, cortisol is a "mortal enemy" of the hormone testosterone. Thus, high levels of cortisol can burn testosterone, thus reducing your anabolic benefits. If you do not like the strawberries, then you can also replace it with kiwi fruit, oranges, pineapple, red peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli.
Well, all this food is food that is useful for the generation of testosterone. If the hormone production is the better, of course, to gain muscle mass and size were also getting better.
(Read also the article: Food For Muscle Growth)
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