Treating Insomnia Naturally

HELLO HEALTHY PEOPLE! Hearing the word insomnia may have been familiar to us, and, of course, all know what it is Insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by insomnia, not able to sleep, or sleep with waking up repeatedly. The cause is depression, stress, anxiety, changes in lifestyle, changes in daily routine, addiction to alcohol or drugs, and health conditions are unstable. There are also cases of the disease, such as heart disease, asthma, and arthritis that cause insomnia due to the innate nature of the disease itself. Among the symptoms of insomnia are uncomfortable when entering the bed, there is no desire to sleep, wake up very early in the morning and can not go back to sleep again.

Bad Impact of Insomnia

Patients with insomnia may have trouble focusing on work, hard to concentrate, learn, and remember, which can certainly prevent our creativity in doing something the best, both in the workplace, school, and in society. Insomnia can also cause other serious problems. Such as feeling drowsy while driving, which can certainly be fatal because it can cause an accident.
Well now you understand is not what is meant by insomnia, insomnia symptoms, causes and effects of insomnia itself. Well, it's time we discuss the insomnia drug that is safe for the body.

Insomnia natural remedies,Treating insomnia naturally


Coriander purees and makes herbal drinks such as tea. Then, taken just before bed to prevent insomnia and help get to sleep soundly.

Princess Shame

These plants often encountered, because this plant grows wild in many places. Who would have thought that this plant has properties in it that can provide a calming relaxing effect thus stimulating brain cells to be able to sleep comfortably.


To helps so that you can sleep soundly and comfortably, then the cherries are one of the fruits that can help you. Cherries contain melatonin naturally; as we have already said that this substance can regulate your sleep patterns. If you want to sleep better, then you can consume a glass of cherry juice, or some fresh cherries before bed.

Green Grape

Green grapes you can make insomnia herbal remedies are natural, easy way, eating green grapes to taste about a half hour before you go to bed. In wine there is a natural sedative, tranquilizing drugs is exactly you can help to sleep quickly.

Sweet Fennel

Well, one of which is well known as a cooking ingredient, but reversed it turns anise has tremendous benefits, but can overcome insomnia, anise also be used as medicine heartburn, ulcers, cough, tonic, and can be used to prevent cancer.

How to use anise to treat insomnia:

Prepare aniseed, washed and brewed in water that has been boiled, add one tablespoon of pure honey. Take a few moments and strain, then drink water anise with a span of one hour before bedtime.


Scientific evidence also shows that the scent of lavender therapy can slow the activity of the nervous system, improve sleep quality, promote relaxation, and help sleep problems. The study undertook also found that massage using a lavender essential oil can improve sleep quality, the mood is more stable, better concentration, and reduce anxiety. In Germany, lavender flower tea is also approved to overcome insomnia, nervousness, and stomach irritation.

There are many things that can underlie insomnia, including stress levels, medical conditions, the level of depression, the intake of stimulants, drugs, and so on. Insomnia is a problem that could lead to quite serious, so you should try to avoid certain things that can cause you to have difficulty sleeping like coffee, energy drinks, and others. Also avoid stress and keep exercising regularly and precisely. If this condition continues, should Consult your doctor to seek assurance that the underlying cause.

(Read also the article: 7 Ways to Naturally Treat Panda Eyes)

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