Benefits Cinnamon Tea for Body Health

HELLO HEALTHY PEOPLE! Ever thought of trying to drink tea cinnamon? If not, try to add the 5 cm pieces of cinnamon into warm tea commonly consumed. Besides being able to add flavor when consumed, the tea that is mixed with cinnamon also has many benefits for the health of the body making it mandatory to try.

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Cinnamon tea can provide a sense of warmth in the body up to the heart and the entire central nervous system. In addition, this drink is also useful to overcome the lack of malaise, fever, and colds.


If processed in powdered spices, tea and cinnamon mixture can be used to reduce pain due to infection.


These drinks can also reduce dizziness and diarrhea if consumed regularly. However, if the dizziness and diarrhea are not cured within 3 days after consuming as well as increasing symptoms should discontinue treatment and immediately go to the doctor.


Cinnamon tea can also increase appetite, so it is useful to gain weight. Cinnamon tea also contains tantalizing aroma of spices so that people who breathe can immediately like and try to taste it. However, for people with diabetes should not consume cinnamon tea with sugar in order not to aggravate the disease condition being experienced.

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